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Gezici Konsolosluk 07 Ekim, 2024

A big thank you to Feyzan, Semra, and Altug for ensuring the event went off without a hitch. Special appreciation goes to Turkuaz Market for contributing some of the delicious cheeses! 

Fundraiser Breakfast 29 Sep, 2024

We would like to thank all the volunteers who contributed their time and effort to making this ATA-NC fundraiser breakfast possible. Your generosity and unwavering support truly made a difference. As an all-volunteer nonprofit organization, we rely on the dedication of individuals like you, and this event would not have been possible without your help. Thank you for being the backbone of our community and for helping us create a memorable morning!

Founded in 1987, ATA-NC is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of Turkish culture and sharing Turkish heritage within the Triangle community and throughout North Carolina.​

303 E Durham Rd, Cary, NC 27513, USA

During any provision of services, ATA-NC does not discriminate based on any of the following: race, color, religious affiliation, sex, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, national origin, language, educational background, and/or veteran status. ATA-NC complies with the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) Checking Policy on all fund recipients.

© 2024 American Turkish Association of North Carolina

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